
Monday, August 12, 2013

Refrigerator Redoux

Well, apparently the whole blog thing didn't make it into my list of top priorities, since it's been over a year since I've written anything!! I think between not knowing what (or how!!) to blog, getting busy with work, Hubby being in school and working, sprinkle-land just took a backseat. But I've heard that the only way to get back into something you've totally thrown aside (sorry bout that...) is to just do it! So.....for my first post of 2013....*drumroll please*.....I re-did the front of my refrigerator!!! Cue the confetti and applause, right? I know, I know....kinda lame. But I figure if I start with a little post, maybe I'll actually get the hang of this blogging thing and keep coming back for more!!

Before: Clutter Central!!
My fridge, like many fridges I've seen, was a catch-all for every scrap of paper I deemed important, cards from friends, invitations to various events, photos, a magnetic "fridge farm" that made lots of noise and music while trying to teach my god-daughter the name it, it had a spot on my fridge. The only problem was, I couldn't stand the clutter. It was like tetris, always trying to fit the next invitation on there, deciding which one was coming down, the massive guilt attacks I suffered from taking anything off of it, because what if the person who sent it to me comes over and notices it's gone??? They would think I didn't think their invitation/card/photo/etc was important enough for a coveted fridge spot!! Not that anyone could find anything on that happy little magnetic disaster....but no more!! I pinterested a solution for that mess. Yup. A trip to the dollar store, some paint, some maganet stickers, and BAM! A color coordinated, organized, beautiful fridge door that I can stand to look at now. Sometimes I just stand in my kitchen gazing dreamily at it, imagining that the rest of my house is that organized. And color coordinated. And then I trip over a cat toy and fall onto a pile of laundry, knocking over a stack of dirty plates on the way down, and that dream is shattered. Loudly. But oh well.
After: giant ball of purple and green awesomeness. 

Hubby thinks that the photos should cover a longer period of time. I beg to differ. It's not like I can't change them out, and right now, the photos on there represent our life at this very moment. And I'm all about living in the moment. I think the oldest photo on there right now is from April. And I'm okay with that. I have so many photos in various stages of display all around our tiny little apartment, and I like the thought of the refrigertor, the first big honking thing you see when you walk in the door, being kind of a snapshot of where our lives are at right now.

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