
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ice Breaker!

Hello lovelies! My name is Janice, and I'm so happy that you're here! Sprinkles on my Jello is my little corner of the world, where I plan on sharing a little of myself with all of you while getting to know you all a little better! For my first post, I thought a "10 random things about me" would be a deeee-lightful little ice breaker for us. I'll start.

1. I am married to the most amazing man I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Prepare to hear lots of gushing here in sprinkle-land. He's pretty dang cool. 

2. I am a jack of most trades, master or two. On a good day. I love to crochet, cook, sew, scrapbook, photograph lovely things, bake, make jewelry, and the list goes on. There are always a minimum of 4 projects of random varieties going on in my house.

3. I am a not-so-closet Pinterest addict. I spend sooo much time browsing the recipes and craft ideas on there; feel free to check out my boards here . That website is probably the coolest place on the web. Other that sprinkle-land, of course! ;)

4. I am a Seventh-Day Adventist, and I think that my belief in God and knowing that this world isn't all we have to look forward to, is probably what gets me through each day.

5. When I grow up, I want to be a: photographer,a  social worker, a stay at home mommy, a pilot, a cake baker, a cupcake tester, and some sort of multi-faceted professional crafter. 

6. I hate the word deluxe. For no apparent reason. It just grates on my ears. My fingers shook as I typed that.

7. I have one younger brother, and older sister, and an older brother, my dad and step mom. I also have several nieces and nephews, some sister and brother in laws that are just as much friends as family, wonderful in-laws, and so much extended family that I can't even list them. I'm very lucky in the family department. 

8. I love music. All kinds of music. You'll probably be reading lots of lyric fragments as you become engrossed in Sprinkles on my Jello. 

9. If I could live anywhere, it would be Wisteria Lane. I can't get enough of those ladies, and I think I would make a darn fine desperate housewife. Hubs does not agree. 

10. I am a part-time Weight Watchers follower. It's a great program, and it whipped my butt into shape for my wedding, but this time around my love of all things cheesy, chocolaty, and pasta-y is seriously overriding my desire to look good in a bikini. 

I'd love to know a few random things about you!! Leave me a comment with your top random facts, and let's get the "getting to know each other" ball rolling, folks! 

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